chapter xc: keep watching the skies!
part iv: by a nose
Ingebeeld Neef has received, via Federal Express, a Manilla envelope from Gek Dweper, perhaps the best-known and certainly the most controversial UFO investigator in the Old Country. 

Inside are a pair of spectacular if grainy photographs that Dweper says could have major implications for the history of Mankind. The first contains a partial view of what he claims may be the first undeniable alien spacecraft.

"I was stunned in silence, if I have seen the first photo," Dweper wrote. "how there is definite proof, that the military conquers has flies UFOs in zone of 25. something so that they have always disputed!"
Zone 25 is a top-secret Military base, totally off-limits to all but a select few. Neef explains:
"It becomes zone of 25 calls because the entrepreneur so that they have put in, to do the construction has the whole basis builds 25 kilometer-south of where it had been accepted. Fortunately, nobody has there lives either, so all so that they an arrow on all of their maps does will do."
Gek Dweper gave the picture to "photographic experts" who used "very cultivated computer-expansion-technologies, to take out an approach of the whole vehicle in flight."
"It dazed really, sits here, to all these years of chases to shadows, grasps to the tiniest rests of questionable proof, and watches these pictures," he wrote.
"At long last the fight has finished. Finally, the whole world could know the truth, because we have real proof finally!"